
Logo Design Trends Ruling In 2023

We’ve got the inside scoop and have closely monitored what real businesses are doing. So, listen and let us spill the tea on the major logo design trends that will slay in 2023. Trust us, these trends are more lit than a Friday night rave!

 Like any other art form, logo design is always evolving. We eagerly seek the latest trends to help designers and entrepreneurs craft a unique and eye-catching brand identity every year. Whether you’re playing with vibrant colors or sticking to a sleek, minimalist aesthetic, we all face the same age-old conundrum: what makes for a truly engaging and modern logo design?

 Despite all the expert advice, everyone still marches to the beat of their creative drum. Let’s dive in and explore the exciting world of logo design trends together!

Simplify Your Logo Design with Basic Shapes and Geometric Designs!


2023 is all about keeping it simple when it comes to logo design. Complex logomarks are so last year and let’s be real, they can be tough to remember and connect with. That’s why more and more companies are opting for fundamental shapes like circles, squares, and triangles to create sleek and memorable logos. But just because the shapes are basic doesn’t mean the colors must be! Vibrant, high-contrast color schemes can add a pop of personality and help tell a brand’s story. Conversely, black and white designs can maximize that minimalist effect. And don’t forget about negative space – it’s an excellent way to add visual interest while keeping things clean and simple.

This “less is more” principle isn’t anything new, and big players like KIA, Google, and Citroën have already embraced the trend with their recent logo redesigns. But it’s not just about logo marks – font choices are just as important! Minimalist typography is on the rise, and it’s a perfect complement to the basic geometric shapes trend. So, in 2023, keep it simple and let those shapes and fonts do the talking!

Embrace Nostalgia with a Modern Twist In Logo Design


Retro styles with a modern twist take the design world by storm, appearing on fashion runways and web design trends. From the neon hues of the 80s to the grunge vibes of the 90s and the futuristic optimism of Y2K, we can’t get enough of these nostalgic aesthetics.

But here’s the thing: if you want to incorporate retro elements into your logo design, you must do it right. Make sure the style is authentic and in line with your brand messaging. And don’t be afraid to mix old and new elements to create a balanced, nuanced look. Consider pairing classic serif fonts with avant-garde logo shapes or combining muted pastels with unexpected splashes of neon.

To nail this logo trend in 2023, take inspiration from how AI remixes old designs. You’ll be amazed at how you can invent images with creativity.

Remember, knowing your target audience and communicating with them meaningfully and relevantly is important. If your logo evokes a familiar, nostalgic feeling in your customers, they’ll associate that feeling with your brand. Take a cue from nostalgic logos like Nettie, Steep, and Mellow, which strike the perfect balance between old and new.

And if you’re testing neon colors, remember that RGB is your best bet for screen use. Try using shadows and blurs to create a neon effect on paper for printed logos.

Breaking the Mold: Innovative Typography Designs And Logo Design for a Unique Brand Identity


As we move into 2023, it’s clear that vintage isn’t the only logo trend on the rise. Modern typeface aesthetic is taking center stage and allowing us to witness the magic of fancy fonts in action! In 2021, we saw the emergence of experimental typography with glitchy and wavy types, and they remain all the rage.

Leading type foundries like Creative Market and My Fonts keep releasing one best-seller after another. Logo designers have finally started seeing the potential of fancily-drawn letters and incorporating them into their projects.

It all began with playful concepts, where creative minds experimented with the most outrageous types, color combinations, patterns, and graphics. Then, daring entrepreneurs in industries like cosmetics, breweries, and street food followed suit, trying out the trend. It was a groundbreaking moment when Nucao, a German chocolate brand, replaced its legible sans-serif logo with one featuring experimental typography.

Other companies, from food producers to convenience stores, are also successfully adopting this trend. It’s an exciting time for branding as more and more businesses and designers embrace bold logo trends.

Exploring the Hyperrealistic Aesthetics of the Metaverse - Logo Design


As we enter the era of the metaverse, it’s clear that hyperrealistic logos are becoming a crucial component of branding strategy. With the market projected to reach a whopping $800 billion by 2024, it’s no surprise that brands are eager to make their mark in this new, immersive world.

Hyperrealistic logos offer a unique opportunity to recreate the sensory experience of a brand, with haptic touch and sound adding a new dimension to traditional visual branding. As the metaverse continues to expand and evolve, it’s becoming increasingly clear that a brand’s logo must be adapted to fit this new reality.

Brands that are quick to embrace this shift and incorporate hyperrealistic logos into their branding strategy will be well-positioned to thrive in the metaverse. As the definition of the metaverse continues to expand, it’s clear that there’s immense potential for growth and innovation in this space. And hyperrealistic logos will be at the forefront of this evolution.

Embracing Muted Colors and Gradients in Logo Design


When it comes to color and choosing a palette for a logo, it’s often a very personal decision. However, if we take a closer look at big brands, there appears to be a shift from saturated to muted colors. Bright hues can be difficult to work with and draw too much attention, causing problems when implementing them into a brand’s design system. Instead, companies like Abbyy and Creative Cloud have demonstrated ultimate color proficiency, utilizing natural saturated tones on their websites, social media, and printed materials.

That being said, it’s important to note the potential for survivorship bias. While some companies have successfully utilized vibrant palettes, others have opted for more subdued hues, such as the recent rebranding of Baskin Robbins. This trend may signal to logo designers to start with soft colors and only switch to vivid tones in emergency situations.

Another exciting aspect of logo design in 2023


Another exciting aspect of logo design in 2023 is the resurgence of gradient logos. Once thought to be a thing of the past, gradient designs have been reimagined recently, with two-color gradients being utilized by Facebook Messenger and Avon, and gradient rainbows are seen in the rebranding of Discovery channel and Adobe’s main logo. It will be interesting to see if gradients continue to gain popularity in the coming years and if designers opt for more muted and simplistic styles.


The world of logo design is constantly evolving, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach to creating a successful logo. While trends may come and go, ensuring that your logo effectively communicates your brand’s message and values is most important. The key is to create a unique and memorable logo that represents your business’s strengths and distinguishes it from the competition.

Remember, Dexterous Solutions is here to help you with your logo design needs. Our skilled designers are experts in crafting creative logos that can elevate your branding to new heights. Let us help you make a significant impact in the market.


Graphics Design – Pros and Cons

One of the most fascinating and alluring aspects of the business world is graphic design. Creating and managing visual stories that capture audiences’ attention is a skill many aspire to master. If you are looking to invest in graphic design, it is important to understand the pros and cons that come with it. This blog article will discuss some of the pros and cons of graphic design that most people overlook. We will address these in a balanced, informative tone to help new investors understand the landscape of this exciting industry. Graphic design is a field where creativity and practicality intersect.

What Is Graphic Design?


Graphic design is an art form that combines visual elements like text, images and shapes to communicate messages in an effective and visually appealing way. It is used in many fields, from advertising and marketing to product design and web development. As a graphic designer, you must be creative and have an eye for detail. You must also be knowledgeable about the latest design trends and technologies and have a solid understanding of design principles. Working as a graphic designer can be rewarding and challenging, requiring technical and artistic skills. If you have what it takes to become a successful graphic designer, plenty of resources are available to help you learn the ropes.

Pros And Cons Of Graphic Design

Graphic design is a popular and rewarding field, but working in this creative industry has pros and cons. Here are a few things to consider before getting into it:



– You get to be creative and express yourself through art.

– You can make a good living by working freelance or in an agency.

– You get to work with a variety of clients and projects.



– You will have to stay updated with the latest trends and technology.

– It cannot be easy to find clients willing to pay for quality work.

– The competition for jobs can be fierce.

Graphic Design – Ultimate Guidance


Graphics design is a great field for those who are creative, have an eye for detail, and are comfortable working with computers. But before getting into it, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons and ensure it’s the right fit for you.


 On the one hand, working in graphic design requires a great deal of creativity. It would be best if you came up with new ideas and visuals to capture your audience’s attention. This can be a lot of pressure, but it is also incredibly rewarding to see your own ideas come to life.


Alternatively, graphic design is also a very practical field. To be successful, you need to be able to understand the latest design trends and technologies. You also need to be able to work within the constraints of your client’s budget and deadlines. This can be challenging, but it is also a great opportunity to hone your problem-solving skills.

Things You Should Know About Graphic Design


Graphic design is a powerful tool for conveying ideas and creating visual impact. But like any other type of design, there are pros and cons. On the one hand, graphics design can create stunning visuals that capture viewers’ attention and effectively communicate messages. It can also create a cohesive brand identity across different platforms. Likewise, graphics design can be time-consuming and complicated, requiring certain technical knowledge and artistic skill. It may also be difficult to create graphics suitable for all audiences and contexts. Considering these things, it is important to weigh both the benefits and drawbacks of graphics design before taking the plunge.

Graphic design is a creative and rewarding career, but there are some pros and cons that people don’t often think about. On the plus side, graphic designers get to be creative and work on various projects. They can also explore their technical skills and push the boundaries of design with each project. On the negative side, graphic designers must constantly stay updated with software and technology trends. They must also be willing to take on projects they may not be interested in, and they may have to work long hours to meet tight deadlines.

Additionally, graphic design can be very competitive, and there will always be someone with more experience or a better portfolio. Despite these potential negatives, those passionate about graphic design can find a lot of rewards in this field. Any aspiring graphic designer can succeed with a little hard work and dedication.

Graphic Design Is A Creative Career

Graphics design is incredibly rewarding and creative, but it’s important to understand both the pros and cons before diving in. On the plus side, graphics design offers a wide range of creative freedom, the potential to make a living, and endless opportunities for personal growth. On the other hand, it can be difficult to stand out in a crowded market; the competition is fierce, and the pay may not always reflect your hard work. Additionally, there are other logistical concerns to consider, such as tax laws, copyright issues, and client management. While there are certainly some drawbacks to pursuing a career in graphics design, it can be an incredibly rewarding and fulfilling experience if you approach it with the right attitude.


 Overall, graphic design is a field that offers a unique blend of creativity and practicality. If you are interested in pursuing a career in graphic design, it is important to understand the challenges and the rewards that come with them. You can succeed in this exciting field with hard work and dedication.  


In conclusion, graphic design is a great way to express creativity and make a living. However, it’s important to understand the pros and cons before jumping into the field.

Dexterous Solutions is a global branding and Digital marketing and Design agency based in the US, serving companies of all sizes. We specialize in understanding your brand and vision and work closely with you to craft branding and marketing assets that align with your brand strategy, mission, vision and goals. With satisfied clients worldwide, let’s connect and explore how we can help you achieve your business goals.


Logo Design – The Ultimate Guide 2023

A step-by-step guide to logo design


The first thing you need to do is determine what your company’s logo design should be. The most common mistake made by new businesses is creating a logo that doesn’t fit with the company’s brand identity. This can lead to confusion among potential customers about who they’re dealing with and whether or not they’ll get what they want from your business. In addition, if your business already has an established brand, your logo must fit into that branding scheme so that people know what kind of experience they will get when they visit your website or social media page.

If you’re reading this, chances are you have a business idea and want to build a brand around it. You’ve probably already decided on your company’s name and picked out some visual elements like colors or fonts. But what about your logo? Is it just an icon or symbol that represents your company? Or is it the face of your business — how people know who they’re dealing with when they come across your website or social media pages? Design choices matter — especially when creating a logo for your business- as we all know!

Importance Of A Logo Design


A logo is the single most important element of your brand identity. It represents who you are and what you stand for, and how potential customers will identify with you. Your logo is so powerful that it can even make or break a business.

But don’t worry — there are plenty of ways to design a great logo without being an expert in graphic design or Photoshop! In this article, we’ll walk through all the steps needed to create an awesome logo, from brainstorming ideas to finalizing it on Adobe Illustrator CC (or any other vector software).

The first step in designing a logo is deciding what type of graphic you want. Do you want something simple? Or something more complex and detailed? It’s important to think about this before beginning the design process because different types of graphics will require different approaches.

Once you’ve decided on a style, it’s time to get to business with some actual design work! We’ll discuss the process below:

  1. Brainstorm a list of words describing your brand and your products or services. The list should include adjectives, verbs, and nouns (e.g., fast, reliable). You may also want to write down these words in different ways (e.g., Fast, reliable).
  2. Choose three words that best represent your brand and its values; this could be a combination of all three words or only one word if it is particularly important (e.g., fast & reliable). These will be used for the tagline on your website so choose wisely!
  3. Gathering Information and Resources.
  4. Researching the Market (Who’s out there?)

5. Creating a Design Brief (What do you need?)

How To Design A Logo For Your Company?

Can you remember a Logo Design that you did not like? I’m sure not. That’s because no one remembers bad logo design. Only good logo design sticks. That’s one of the reasons why designing a logo is different from designing other branding materials. Every aspect of your brand, be it web banners, ads, and social media posts, has its design purposes, but none are as fixated on being remembered as a logo.


The importance of a great logo can’t be overstated. Your company’s logo is the first thing people see when they visit your website or social media pages, so it needs to convey everything about who you are and what you do in an instant.

To help you create a top-notch design, we’ve put together some tips on choosing colors, fonts, and images for your logo to make it stand out from the crowd.

Logo design is an art, not a science. You can’t only rely on a step-by-step guide to getting the job done. But if you’re looking for general tips and techniques to help you along the way, this article is for you!

What You Need For A Good Logo Design


You need a logo that is easy to recognize and memorable. A good logo should be simple, not cluttered with text or imagery. It should convey your company’s message clearly without being too wordy or abstract.

It’s important to consider what type of logo design works best for your business. The most common types are:

Text-based logos include words like “the” and “and.” They’re usually small but can still carry a lot of meaning if used correctly. They tend to work well for small businesses that want something simple but still personal or have particular words associated with their brand (e.g., “The Best”).

A good logo design is about more than just the image. It’s also about what that image stands for and how it represents your brand.

Below are some of the key things to consider when designing a logo:

What Colors You Should Use?

The colors used in your logo should reflect the personality of your company or brand and its industry. This means that if you’re selling high-tech electronics, blue would be an appropriate color choice, but red might be a better choice if you’re selling gardening supplies. The same rule applies to fonts — choose one that fits with the theme of your business and use it consistently throughout all marketing materials (including social media posts). Size matters! Smaller logos look more modern and sleek than larger ones, so make sure yours isn’t too big or too small (at least not without reason). Don’t overuse icons — they’re great for representing specific products or events within your line of business, but don’t expect them to represent everything else (especially scratch-offs!).

Types Of Logo Design

There are two main types of logo design. One is where you’re creating an entirely new brand like Nike and Apple did when they were first starting. The other type is when you’re adding a logo to an existing business or organization that already has a name in it.

The process for both types of design is similar, but some differences are worth noting. In this article, we’ll discuss starting a new brand from scratch, then move on to the more common question of adding your logo to an existing company’s branding materials (we’ll use Amazon as an example).

Make An Impression On Your Audience

Designing a logo is similar to writing an article or blog post: you have a lot of information, but it’s not easy for the reader to understand what’s important. You also have only a few words (or images) to make an impression on your audience. The trick is finding the right balance between detail and brevity so that readers can get what they need from your content without being bored by too much extraneous information.


A logo is a mark or symbol that represents your company’s brand identity. It can be used as an identifier on business cards, letterhead, packaging, and other promotional materials. The purpose of a logo is to help people identify with your business and its products or services. A good logo will represent all aspects of your brand — including the emotional connection between customers and products.

Dexterous Solutions is a global branding and Digital marketing and Design agency based in the US, serving companies of all sizes. We specialize in understanding your brand and vision and work closely with you to craft branding and marketing assets that align with your brand strategy, mission, vision and goals. With satisfied clients worldwide, let’s connect and explore how we can help you achieve your business goals.