
What is Content Marketing? Types of Content Marketing, Examples, Strategies

What is Content Marketing? Types of Content Marketing, Examples, Strategies.

Content marketing involves creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a defined audience. The goal is to drive profitable customer action by building trust and positioning a brand as a credible source of information. Content marketing can take the form of blog posts, social media posts, videos, and whitepapers and is used to support various marketing goals, such as lead generation and brand awareness. A successful content marketing strategy involves identifying the target audience, setting specific goals, and measuring the effectiveness of efforts.


People nowadays are bombarded with ads. According to research, back in 2007, Americans were exposed to almost 5000 ads per day. Our senses are so oversaturated with advertisements that we tend to dislike them. This is becoming a problem for marketers as it affects engagement with customers. Content marketing is the solution, as it is more organic and is based on the belief that trust is a more effective tool than traditional advertising tactics. To gain this trust, a business must offer value to customers – material that fulfils a need, solves a problem, makes them laugh, or instils a desire to learn something new. That material is content. And the way businesses deliver it to their customers is called content marketingContent marketing is an effective digital marketing strategy that can increase conversions, boost brand awareness, increase ROI, and eventually establish a successful business. In this blog, we will give you an overview of

● Content marketing
● Types of content marketing
● Benefits of content marketing
● Strategy

What is content marketing?

A simple definition of content marketing could be “The process of publishing written and visual material online to attract more leads to a business. This includes blog posts, eBooks, infographics, videos, posts, and much more.” 

But content marketing is not about just publishing material. It is mainly tailoring your content according to the audience that you aim to target. It is a strategic investment to achieve business success. Through effective content marketing, businesses can gain online visibility and recognition from customers. It requires a long game of building customer relationships throughout their journey with the business. There are a couple of ways through which content marketing is done, like:

● Uploading content on social media platforms, like Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok

● Video distribution on platforms like YouTube

● Content optimization to rank higher in search engines 

To achieve results, effective content marketing strategies should be applied. The quality of content is vital. It should be educational and inspire people. This is in contrast to traditional marketing. Content marketing is all about serving the customer and tending to their needs.

Types of Content Marketing

Today, digital marketers have numerous options regarding their content marketing strategies. Some of the most common and effective ones are highlighted below:

Online content marketing

Any digital material marketers upload online, specifically on their web pages, refers to online content marketing. It is an umbrella term used to describe any content published online to boost brand awareness and attract leads. The content can be anything like information pages, blog articles, infographics, videos, and much more.

Social media content marketing

With over 4.2 billion global social media users, it has become apparent to businesses why they need to invest in social media content marketing. Social media has become a potent tool for entertainment and for brands to connect with their audience. Effective social media marketing can achieve business goals much faster than any other form of digital marketing.

Blog posts/ Articles

Among numerous tools a content marketer can use, a full, up-to-date business blog that provides helpful and searches engine-friendly content is the best marketing strategy. Blogs do wonders for web traffic and search engine rankings. They are the most effective way to build a site’s structure, express brand identity, and connect with the audience.

Video content marketing

Video marketing is a potent tool that can boost conversions, enhance ROI, and help connect with the audience. According to research, 73% of consumers admitted that they prefer to learn about a product or service through videos.

Podcast content marketing

The number of people listening to Apple and Spotify podcasts is increasing daily. Because of this reason, brands have started creating and sharing their podcasts. They are an efficient way to allow creativity in conversations with interesting guests relevant to the industry.


Infographics are an exciting and visually appealing way to display content, information, and data. Simple language, short statements, and clear visuals efficiently communicate your desired content.

Benefits of content marketing

When done right, content marketing does require investing time and resources initially. But the benefits hold a much greater value. After implementing a comprehensive content marketing strategy, here are some serious benefits organizations can realize.

Grow website traffic & generate value

Content is everywhere, and becoming visible among massive amounts of information is a considerable challenge. Content helps in this matter. It makes you findable. Consistent, good quality, and relevant content can establish visibility and brand awareness and ultimately increase traffic to the site.
Content that gives the right message to the right people at the right time has enormous potential to make your brand an authority on the subject. This generates customer value and builds trust in your product or service.

Increase engagement

With the increased use of social media, creating content for platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok can be highly beneficial. User-generated content and influencer marketing are two essential strategies for distributing high-quality branded content, producing exceptional results for brands.

Raise awareness about the brand

Most people do not know there might be solutions to their problems. Content marketing raises awareness among people that solutions exist. This drives them to your website and eventually generates sales.

Higher Conversion Rates

Quality content marketing strategies create more conversion rates than other marketing techniques. Through developing trust with consumers, brands can generate more revenue as people buy from brands they trust.

Long-Term Cost Savings

Where the cost of short-term content production is relatively higher, the long-term cost is comparatively low compared to other paid advertising strategies. Creating and distributing content is generally a one-time effort. In contrast, paid search and social ads, on the other hand, have ongoing incremental costs every time someone clicks.

Effective Content Marketing

Effective content marketing can help digital marketers reach their target audience at each step of their sales journey. By continuously generating interest in the brand through content, businesses can achieve their goals sooner than expected. There’s a lot more to content marketing than what we have highlighted. The next article will provide detailed strategies to help your business create compelling content marketing campaigns.


Dexterous Solutions is a global branding and marketing agency based in the US, serving companies of all sizes. We specialize in understanding your brand and vision and work closely with you to craft branding and marketing assets that align with your brand strategy, mission, vision and goals. With satisfied clients worldwide, let’s connect and explore how we can help you achieve your business goals.


What is Social Media Management? Types, Services and Management Tools.

Social media is rapidly becoming one of the most significant aspects of marketing for any business. It is an outstanding way to engage with customers and grow a base. Most businesses do not know how to manage their social media accounts and for that, it is important to have sound knowledge about what social media management is. It goes beyond just managing posts and uploading content. There are numerous other aspects to it. Simply put, social media management is creating, publishing, promoting, and managing content across social media channels like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, and YouTube. It also involves engaging with the respective audience and searching for new opportunities to grow reach and visibility.


The Power Of Social Media


The world of social media is expanding rapidly, with more than 4 billion users which is more than half of the world’s population. Businesses that are not using this powerful tool are missing out on huge opportunities. These days it’s the best low-cost investment a business can make. Social media marketing is rapidly evolving into a competitive market. Businesses are competing for ad space and spending millions on social media platforms. People are becoming more and more comfortable shopping online through ads and messages they come across on social media. Strategically placed ads that appear natural are generating more sales than ever.

Another evolving trend involves gen X since they too are becoming more comfortable with making purchases online. Ads that are running on Facebook and to an extent, Instagram are doing especially well with baby boomers. Social media channels are a powerful tool used by brands to gain insights into their audience’s preferences. They are the perfect platforms for launching new products, storytelling, and creating awareness about new initiatives.

Social media marketing is not just an option anymore, it has become a very critical part of businesses specifically those working in eCommerce. According to Forbes, 79% of consumers say user-generated content influences their buying decisions. UGC is becoming a very impactful tool for earning revenue. Meaningful content helps deepen the connection between a brand and its audience.

How it works…

In order to have a successful marketing plan it is important that the social media strategy is sustainable and positively impacts the business. To ensure this, several steps should be followed;

● Researching Buyer Personas

By taking the target audience into consideration, it becomes easy for a company to determine what will appeal to it and thus create relative content to engage it as well.

  • Choosing the right social media platform

For successful social media marketing, it is essential to choose the right platform. There isn’t a single solution to this because it depends on the needs of the target audience and which platform, they spend more time on.
We’ve taken the liberty to put together a brief overview of some of the different platforms and the benefits they can provide to businesses.

  • Facebook
    • With nearly 2.7 billion active users from diverse backgrounds, Facebook is a great platform for businesses that are trying to reach a wider audience.
  • Instagram
    • For brands that are creating a variety of visual content, Instagram is a great platform for that. The audience is more on the younger side and has a higher female-to-male ratio, making it ideal for industries like fashion, lifestyle, art, etc.
  • TikTok
    • Gen Z is a TikTok frenzy more than others. This generation is more tech-savvy and appreciates sustainability. Businesses that have a green initiative and work with natural products would do exceptionally well on this platform.
  • Twitter
    • With 321 million active users, Twitter is mostly used for gaining insight into news and trends. It’s a great platform to engage in topics and share relative content that inspires others.
  • YouTube
    • YouTube is the second-largest search engine in the world. Businesses can upload their videos to YouTube to engage and connect with their audience.

With limitless video hosting, businesses can upload as much video content as they want.

  • Developing a social media strategy

Developing a social media strategy is a significant part of making sure that each campaign is getting the business closer to its marketing goals.

After deciding which platforms to use, it is better to consider how often a business plan to post and what type of content will they want viewers to see. It is vital to develop content that’s engaging but also speaks to customers’ needs, wants, and challenges.

Part of the social media marketing strategy is how a brand engages and responds to its audience. Will they see your content, reach out and start conversations? What will the frequency of social media posts be? How will you engage the audience? Your marketing strategy needs to revolve around these questions and their answers.

Social Media Management Tools

Social media management tools allow businesses and organizations to manage and analyze their social media presence. These tools typically include various features, such as scheduling posts in advance, tracking the performance of posts, and identifying and analyzing key metrics, such as the reach and engagement of posts. Many social media management tools also offer collaboration and team management features, making it easier for teams to collaborate on social media campaigns and initiatives. These tools can be an essential part of any organization’s social media strategy, helping to streamline and optimize their efforts on platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Pros and Cons of Social Media Marketing


One of the most significant advantages of social media marketing is its cost-effectiveness to increase web traffic, brand awareness, and engagement. Compared to traditional marketing campaigns, social media marketing proves to have a higher ROI.

Other types of advertisements are less likely to drive traffic to a website while that is not the case for social media ads. This opens up a lot of potential for brands.

Social media platforms are now being used by brands to announce products and run promotions. This drives sales and generates leads. Other advantages include consistent brand visibility, customer support and feedback, content promotion, and demographic insights.


While there are numerous advantages of social media marketing, there are some disadvantages that should be considered before forming a strategy.

Brands are under increasing pressure to undertake a political stance on social media, where silence during times of social turbulence is frequently interpreted as collusion. However, brands should avoid broadly supporting social movements, to avoid coming across as inconsiderate.

Considering that social media platforms are public forums, unforgiving customer feedback can harm a brand’s reputation more than they’d like. On social media platforms, negative mentions of a brand are noticeable to current and possible customers. If a customer is dissatisfied with a brand, they can vent their frustrations in a social media post that can be seen by hundreds of thousands of other users. So replying promptly to grievances and offering a real solution will help reinforce a brand’s reputation in the eyes of its followers.

Considering the speed with which the number of social media platform users is increasing, it is clear why businesses are opting for social media channels to promote their businesses. It may seem a little overwhelming but by understanding current marketing trends and using resources available online, one can start working on developing an effective social media marketing strategy that will increase the brand’s reach, and followers, and thus boost conversions.


Dexterous Solutions is a global branding and marketing agency based in the US, serving companies of all sizes. We specialize in understanding your brand and vision and work closely with you to craft branding and marketing assets that align with your brand strategy, mission, vision and goals. With satisfied clients worldwide, let’s connect and explore how we can help you achieve your business goals.


What is Dexterous Solutions?

Disruptive, out-of-the box, trailblazing and unconventional are all words used to describe Dexterous Solutions. But the question remains, what is Dexterous Solutions and who are the people behind it?


What is Dexterous Solutions?

Dexterous Solutions is a team of professionals who are the answer to all your digital marketing, designing and web development needs. Be it corporate branding, social media revamping or developing an e-commerce website, we’ve got it covered!

So how was Dexterous Solutions formed? A group of friends at lunch, discussing problems they face in business. What was the common problem amongst all? Creating and marketing their brand with consistency, creativity and affordability, all while achieving growth and projects being delivered on time. One of the bunch decided to start his own company to cater to these problems being faced in the market, with his first clients being those same friends he had gone to lunch with.



Dexterous Solutions became a company that specializes in corporate branding, which includes, but is not limited to establishing a brand’s voice, and its perception in the minds of its customers. We also work on logo designstationery designsocial media design and web design.


More Expertise

Our next area of expertise lies in digital marketing, this includes search engine marketing, social media marketing and search engine optimization. We work on pay-per-click (PPC) ads, google ads, Facebook ads and other social media platform ads, with the aim to help our clients rank better on search engine result pages. Why do brands need to rank better on search engine result pages you ask? Well, the answer to that is more visibility to prospective customers. The higher a brand ranks, the more likely potential customers are to click on its website or social media pages, eventually bringing in more traffic.


Content Creation

We work on creating content that converts. Our team focuses on creating textual content that is engaging, search engine optimized, informative, catchy and easily comprehendible, as well as infographics and motion graphics that are aesthetically pleasing and detail-oriented. Starting a new business, and need a website, but don’t know where to start? Well, that’s where Dexterous Solutions comes in. We provide web design and development services that create smooth user experiences with minimized costs, great functionality and excellent features. We create the user interface and user experience (UI/UX) designs and execute them by developing websites on platforms like WordPress, Magento and Shopify.


Dexterous is a one-stop shop to all your digital needs, what makes us stand out? Our minimized costs, efficiency, timely delivery and most importantly, our creativity!


Logo Design – Principles, Types, And Ideas

Can you remember a Logo Design that you did not like? I’m sure not. That’s because no one remembers bad logo design. Only good logo design sticks. That’s one of the reasons why designing a logo is different from designing other branding materials. Every aspect of your brand, be it web banners, ads, and social media posts, has its design purposes, but none are as fixated on being remembered as a logo.


Though a Logo Design may seem fairly simple to create, designing an impressive one isn’t always easy. It includes a great deal of market research, a profound understanding of your buyer personas, and thoughtful contemplation of the values of Logo Design. Often, designers find themselves fashioning many iterations of a single logo before getting it “spot on.”

A Logo Design can be simply defined as your company’s identification. It’s how your company is recognized among the businesses. A Logo Design functions as the face of your company. Because of this, logos can be a great opportunity to make a statement about your brand. Take Amazon, for example. The smiley arrow indicates that the company sells everything from “A-Z” and also signifies how pleased customers are when they shop with them.

Even though a Logo Design can communicate a deep meaning, it’s not vital that it has to. If your designers are struggling to decide on such a logo, you’re asking too much of them. So, how do you begin designing a logo? I have broken down some key steps you’ll need to take to curate a logo that not only you, but your prospects will love.

Create your brand story


Before even thinking about what your company logo will look like, take some time to ponder the story behind your company. When we look at Coca-Cola, we don’t see a brown, carbonated beverage — we see polar bears and thick, white script letters.

To connect with your clients, you need to communicate the “why” behind your brand. It is the root of your story and it needs to be visible through your Logo Design.


Find design inspiration

Getting started is mostly the toughest part of any creative endeavor. It usually happens that you have too many ideas at once and you suffer from analysis paralysis. This means you get stuck in analyzing and cannot make a decision. To avoid this situation, think about your favorite Logo Designs. And what made them so memorable.  You can take help from Logo Design-related hashtags on social media. Instagram specifically is good for this because of its visual nature. Whenever browsing next make sure to check out popular hashtags like






Choose your logo design style

Now that you clearly understand your brand and feel inspired, it’s time to start interpreting that into your Logo Design. There are numerous elements that you need to work on here, like colors, shapes, graphics, and typography. When thinking about your logo design, it is vital that you pick the correct design aesthetic. You can choose from a wide variety of designs like classic, trendy, minimalistic, quirky, or just mix and match.

Choose colors that reflect your brand

The colors that you choose to represent your Logo Design will end up on your website, signages, social media, marketing emails, and everywhere a user interacts with your brand. You need to make sure you are conveying the right message through your logo design colors

Choose your logotype

It is better to do some research on logotypes before finalizing your Logo Design.

Monogram logo designs are made of letters, mostly brand initials. They are simple and help people remember the company behind the Logo Design. For example, IBM (international business machines).

A wordmark logo is a font-based logo design that represents the company name. for example, Visa, Jeep, etc.

Pictorial mark logos are graphic based. Seeing one immediately helps you recognize the company. Think Instagram, apple, etc.

Similarly, there are abstracts, mascots, and combination marks in the types you can consider while finalizing a logo design.

Choose the right typography

You should pick a font that balances and completes your Logo Design. There are 4 elementary types of fonts you can work with to give your Logo Design an exclusive look.

Serif fonts

Serif fonts give your Logo Design a classic and posh look. The distinguishing feature of this font is the little feet at the end of the letters, which make them appear classic and vintage.

Sans serif fonts

These are great if you want to give your logo a modern and clean look. They are simple and sleek, which makes them perfect for modern brands.

Script fonts

If you want to opt for an individualistic look, script fonts are the right choice for your logo. There is a huge variety ranging from handwritten to calligraphic and relaxed scripts.

Display fonts

Display fonts are ornamental and eye-catching.

If you combine different fonts in your logo design, it can have a very powerful effect. The right approach would be to pair all the design elements that you have now and create the vibe that you’re looking for.

Trust your designer and make sure to communicate well. Stay open to suggestions and give lots of feedback. If you and your designer work together, you will come up with the best logo design.


Dexterous Solutions is a global branding and marketing agency based in the US, serving companies of all sizes. We specialize in understanding your brand and vision and work closely with you to craft branding and marketing assets that align with your brand strategy, mission, vision and goals. With satisfied clients worldwide, let’s connect and explore how we can help you achieve your business goals.